the journal.

welcome to the space where “the wholeness hub” began.

a blog birthed into the world at the end of 2016 when I was 18 years young - inspired by working with my first coach, recognising that whilst studying a science degree I wasn’t doing anything for my creativity. I loved to write, and so I started sharing here with you. If you’ve been here since then, THANK YOU for sticking around.

it was the first time I took that huge leap of faith, felt the fear and went and did it anyway. I had wanted to launch this for at least 6 months before I did - does that sound familiar to you? Scared of judgement, what if no one read it, was I opening myself up to criticism, what if it was a flop, who am I to start a blog? The same limiting beliefs a lot of us work through on the daily.

well here we are now - nearly 5 years later, 3 businesses born from this blog, a heap more life experience, some more wisdom on my shoulders (well I like to think so anyway) and some qualifications beside my name. countless lessons, face palm moments, celebrations, unlearning, spiritual awakening and personal development. And who could forget the FUN, adventure, laughs and tears too. I’m proud of 18 year old me for doing something incredibly scary at the time, it’s crazy to see the journey that has unfolded since then and I’m immensely grateful for the opportunities and experiences this space has opened for me.

i’ve taken down many of the old blogs, but I look forward to popping back in from time to time with words that hopefully might serve you
