9 mindset shifts to implement this week.

1. Lean into fear ~ how is fear showing up in your life right now?

procrastination, self sabotage, imposter syndrome … fear is in an indication of something that we need to work through, or an indication that we really care. the art of leaning into fear, is learning to not let it rule us and hold us back. no-one wants to be sitting in fear paralysis right? a lot of incredible things are on the other side of fear

2. Step out of the victim mindset ~ okay hard pill to swallow, but no one is coming to save you, you have to partake in your own rescue. You have the power to shift and to realise everything is always happening FOR you, not TO you! “I wish someone would do it for me”, “it’s too hard”, “it’s their fault”. take radical self responsibility - you have the power to change your current circumstances.

3. Don’t expect results without taking action ~ how many of you started a coaching business and expected your coaching books to be full and all clients come to you without needing to launch anything? or quit your mindfulness practice after a week because it “didn’t work”. Results take time, and consistent aligned action is what gets results, you’re going to get out what you put in! so what’re more important to you - short term gratification or the long term vision?

4. Get resourceful ~ “your biggest dreams can become your daily reality if you’re willing to get resourceful” - natalie ellis.

time to start thinking like “the info is out there, I just need to find it”. You don’t want to be waiting around for someone to tell you the exact steps. Just go out there and START. Trust yourself, you’ve got this.

5. Develop self trust ~ trust that you’re going to try your best, trust that you’re going to stick to your word, trust yourself to make the best decision for you and your business, trust that you’re going to be consistent and trust your intuition and that everything is always working out exactly as it should! Trust is a muscle we need to flex everyday

6. Avoid too much time overthinking ~ those thoughts of “what if I fail”, “what if it doesn’t work”, “I’m not good enough”, “what If I launch a program and no one buys” these serve your ego and keep you playing small - these thoughts don’t serve your results! if you’re going to spend time in your head, may as well make it a good time. Having a SO WHAT attitude, and a bit of ignorance on fire. No matter what roadblocks come your way, because there are blocks, you keep moving forward.

7. There’s no room for comparison ~ we are only in competition with ourselves ~ striving to show up better than yesterday, and step into that higher version of ourselves. if you’re 1% better each day. thats 365% better a year from now. stay in your own lane, you are MAGIC just as you are.

8. Admit your excuses are BS ~ they are serving a purpose right - to keep us small and safe. they are pretty good at getting you out of action too. what would the version of you in a year from now do? is this excuse serving you or getting you any closer to your dreams? Start making decisions from a place of possibility, and not from circumstance. you can have your excuses, or you can have your results.

9. Why can’t it be EASY and FUN? ~ why do we always think of the worst case scenario and that things are hard. What if we started asking ~ how does this get to be easy? does that mean outsourcing, getting some guidance, surrounding yourself with an empowering community? and how can you add fun and playfulness into what you do. If we aren’t having fun, then what’s the point right?

Which number are you going to action first? X


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repeat after me - daily affirmations.