signs you're ready for a coach.
1. In your emails and on your desktop you’ll find a heap of FREE webinars, master classes, workbooks. You’ve been downloading all the freebies, listening to podcasts and reading all the books. Maybe some unfinished, and as epic as they have been you’re ready for more personalised support and to start seeing results
2. You’ve been trying to do it all by yourself; maybe you’ve experienced some shifts but you often end up back in the same place! The same patterns keep repeating and now you’re feeling frustrated and sick of trying to do it alone
3. You know you’re not exactly where you want to be, you’ve been trying to shift or maybe you just have no idea what needs to shift. But you know it’s time for some radical change
4. You feel really called to reach out to a coach, you love their energy and everything they are about! And you want that accountability to actually show up for yourself and you’ll feel empower to follow through on your word
5. You’re ready to put some skin in the game! This is a big one 🤎💸 it’s time to make a financial and energetic exchange to get some accelerated results in your life and show up like you haven’t before!
6. You’re ready to admit that you are the only one that has been standing in your way; you’re ready to do the work, face your fears and move through your blocks
7. You have burning desire for more from life. Maybe it’s a business idea that you’ve been thinking on for years, but haven’t started because you aren’t “ready” or “qualified” enough. It’s time to follow through with your desires and put them into action 💫
Which number do you resonate with most? X
Spots for 1:1 coaching are OPEN for October and November - in either (whole)istic effect or (whole)istic business!