IN HER SNEAKERS with EMMA TERNOUTH (a.k.a @nutritionbiteswithemma)

Nutrition Bites! Such a cool way to describe homemade, nutritious treats and little bites of wisdom all in one! I spoke to Emma Ternouth the gorgeous gal behind the food gram and blog @nutritionbiteswithemma. I love seeing Emma's creations on her gram and I find it really interesting reading Emma's blogs because she is already a qualified nutritionist and continuing her studies in postgraduate studies, so really cool to tap into the knowledge she has and is constantly learning! If you haven't already you should check her out! Enjoy the read!  xx

Emma Ternouth

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1.  A little bit about you gorgeous .. who are you, what do you do and what are you passionate about?

I am Emma Ternouth. A 21-year-old Human Nutrition & Dietetics student at the University of Auckland. I’m completely passionate about food and active living. I spend the majority of my free time either thinking about my next meal, cooking and baking, or scrolling through foodie blogs & Instagram –some could call me a tad obsessed! I’ve recently launched my blog ( which has been a fun way to share my nutrition knowledge with others & hopefully inspire others to live a more balanced lifestyle.

2. What does health mean to you?

Health to me is so much more than what you’re eating or how often you exercise. I think finding the perfect balance is crucial –yes, I like and advocate eating a diet packed with wholefood goodness but I also believe food is designed to be enjoyable, we shouldn’t be constantly analysing every nibble & mouthful we consume. Therefore, I believe in balance -this means being able to grab ice-cream with friends, enjoy a slice of pizza & not be consumed by guilt immediately after. It’s about looking after both your mind, body & soul –there’s no point eating kale if it makes you miserable.

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3. What does a typical day in your sneakers look like?

If I’m at uni this often means jumping out of bed and hitting the gym before a day of lectures or if I have very early morning lecture’s I’ll hit the gym in the afternoon for bit of a study break. I currently go to Les Mills and have gotten into GRITT and combat classes –I’m the uncoordinated gal at the back! When it’s nice and sunny I like getting out and about walking up Mt. Eden or along Mission Bay with friends –such a good way to catch up.  After dinner, I’ll likely hit the study again before winding down with a cup of tea with my flat mates. The weekends & holidays are far more chilled out & I love heading home to Taranaki & catching up with old friends.

4.  What does a normal day of eating look like for you?

Hmm, it changes most days! I go through smoothie phases where I’ll have one for breakfast every morning without fail, otherwise I love omelettes, overnight oats & chia puddings for breakfast. Lunch & dinner are pretty similar with some form of salads, lean protein, hummus, and complex carbs –roast veggies are my favourite!

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5. How do you maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle and your tips and tricks for others?

I think once you’ve set up healthy habits it begins to come naturally. My biggest tip would be to make sure you enjoy what you’re doing. If you hate going to Pump classes at the gym, find a different way of moving your body, if you hate smoothies –try eating a roast veggie salad instead. This makes things so much easier –you’ll actually look forward to going for that run. Balance & rest are super important too, if you miss a gym class or decide to sleep in it’s not the end of the world either.

6.  How do you deal with stress and pressure in this fast paced world we all live in?

Over the years, I’ve found uni to be pretty stressful and most of my friends would describe me as being flustered! I feel like this year I’ve definitely started to get a better handle on managing stress. Going for a walk, making more time for friends, yoga and being consistent with exercise have all made a big difference.

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7.  What has been the hardest part of your wellness journey?

Hmm despite doing my best my health still isn’t one hundred percent perfect, I think understanding that things take time has been hard to accept but an important learning curve. It’s about doing your best with what you’ve got.

8.  Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given and from who?

This quote has stuck with me this year “comparison is the thief of joy”. I think it’s important to just focus on being yourself and not worry about what others are doing or what they might think of you. My parents have always said as long as you try your best, you can’t be disappointed with yourself –something I try reassure myself with before going into an exam!

9.  Favourite treat?

Ultimate raw treat would be the ginger slice or the raspberry & cacao brownie from Little Bird Organics –I’m also a sucker for apple crumble & custard too.

10.  3 foods you couldn’t live without

Peanut butter, avocado & mango.

11. Favourite way to move your body

A long fast powerwalk out in nature with a bestie catching up.

12.  Any last words of wisdom …

Health & wellness should be enjoyable! Don’t compare yourself to others and force yourself to be someone you’re not. Keep it simple, work hard, put yourself first & treat yourself too!

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Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! Like Emma said above, put yourself first this weekend and do something for yourself! 

Love and Health, 

Charlie xo 



IN HER SNEAKERS with LISA HAMILTON (a.k.a @seewantshop)


IN HER SNEAKERS with BREE MILLS (a.k.a @vitaminbreee)