IN HER SNEAKERS with BREE MILLS (a.k.a @vitaminbreee)

The next wellness babe I spoke to was the lovely Bree Mills, also known as @vitaminbreee in the foodie instagram world. Bree is also based in Dunedin and we are actually studying the same thing which is pretty cool! Bree makes some delish looking treats, I am dying to try her peanut butter and jelly slice (maybe that's a job for this weekend)! Enjoy reading through this as much as I did lovely people xx

Bree Mills

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1. A little bit about you gorgeous .. who are you, what do you do and what are you passionate about?

I am a 21-year old who recently graduated with a degree in Human Nutrition and is currently busy doing post-grad studies in Dietetics at the University of Otago, although I’m originally from Auckland. I love good food, good coffee, weekends with friends and exploring new places. I’m super passionate about healthy eating, exercising and health in general!


2. What does health mean to you?

Health is so much more than just healthy eating and exercise to me. I’d say health is feeling healthy, energetic and happy not just physically but mentally and emotionally also.  This means taking time do things that make you happy DAILY.

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3. What does a typical day in your sneakers look like?

At the moment it’s pretty hectic with exams coming up. I’d generally wake up at 7am to be in class by 8am, have short break for lunch, then head to placement for the second half of the day. I usually finish around 5pm where if I have the energy I will head to the gym, make dinner, hang out with the flat mates and prepare for the next day. It’s all a bit monotonous at the moment, can’t wait for exams to be over to get some more excitement in ma life!


4. What does a normal day of eating look like for you?

It honestly changes every day but a regular day would look a bit like this.

Breakfast: peanut butter or avo on toast, smoothie or oats. I’ve actually been a bit old school lately and have brought back the good ol’ weet-bix!

AM snack: coffee always (soy cappuccino)

Lunch: could be eggs on toast if I’m at home, roast veggies if I have leftovers or falafel wrap/sandwich if I’m buying at uni.

PM snack: bliss balls or fruit

Dinner: this could literally be anything from soup to roast veggie salads and buddah bowls to oats (guilty). I’m either super motivated to try new exotic recipes or I just end up having breakfast for dinner – there really is no in between.

This is the slice I was talking about!! I mean how good does this look ...

This is the slice I was talking about!! I mean how good does this look ...

5. How do you maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle and your tips and tricks for others?

I guess I just listen to my body. I know my body will feel best if I feed it right and move it often, so that’s what I try and do. My tip would be to prioritize your day accordingly. I mean, if I’ve had a busy day and all I want to do is see my friends and relax I will ditch the gym and go eat pizza with friends, because in that moment my priority is my mental health and eating pizza with my friends is what’s going to make me happy!  


6. How do you deal with stress and pressure in this fast paced world we all live in?

I’m naturally quite a stressed person so this one is tough but I’d say taking the time to do one thing each day that you really enjoy, whether that be getting a coffee with friends, hitting the gym or Netflix-ing. That way I’m more motivated to give all the important things going on my best effort.


7. What has been the hardest part of your wellness journey?

Definitely trying to balance a healthy lifestyle, uni and having a social life! Sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day to do everything you want to do and it’s hard to know if you’re actually too tired or just being lazy when you miss a workout or eat breakfast for dinner. 


8. Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given and from who?

My wonderful friend told me if I purchased a gift for someone but that person did not accept the gift, who does the gift belong to? It would belong to the person who purchased the gift, and anger works the same way. Anger is a wasteful emotion I try not to use and if someone puts their anger on me, I will brush it off so it remains their own anger and not fuel my own.  Not entirely ‘health’ related it but I think it’s so important!


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9. Favourite treat?

Kumara fries! Or chocolate if I’m in a sweet mood 


10.  3 foods you couldn’t live without

It’s impossible to pick just 3 but at the moment I’m lovin avocado, mango & chocolate (always)


11.  Favourite way to move your body 

Definitely running! No better endorphin rush 

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12. Any last words of wisdom …

I’ll just leave you with my fave quote because I think it says it all;

‘Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire’

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Check Bree out on instagram @vitaminbreee !

Love and Health, 

Charlie xo


IN HER SNEAKERS with EMMA TERNOUTH (a.k.a @nutritionbiteswithemma)


IN HER SNEAKERS with HANNAH MELLSOP (a.k.a @realradfood)