why oh why?
I’ve been asked 3 questions a lot recently:
Why did I want to study to be a health coach?
Why do I have such a drive to help others with their health ?
And WTH do I do?
I thought I’d open up and answer them here. If you’ve read my blog post on qualifying as a health coach, you’ll know I had a coach 3 years ago who really changed my life, and was a huge reason I wanted to go on and study in this area. The short story is I wanted to help others how she had helped and supported me! I thought it would be incredible to have the ability to literally turn someone’s life around, or just help with one little thing thats makes all the difference. I also believe at the moment our health system needs to change! Prevention is cure and our lifestyles are medicine, I really wanted to be part of that movement.
That’s the short story. The long story, the reason I’m so passionate about the health and wellness space and why I have such a drive to help others with their health is because I didn’t use to be healthy or happy. I wouldn’t say I’m in perfect health now either, I don’t think any of us are - there is always room for improvement. But I was around 20kg heavier than I am now, which for me isn’t a healthy weight. I had no energy, I wanted to sleep all day. I had no confidence in myself. I hated who I saw when I looked in the mirror. I avoided shopping because nothing felt good or looked right and I got really stressed out about social gatherings, and shared lunches at school because I didn’t have a good relationship with food. I didn’t value myself and my relationships reflected that. I used to excercise because I hated my body, not because I wanted to look after it and was grateful I had the ability to move my body. And when I look back when I was at my heaviest I was working out way more than I do now, running and playing for 3 hockey teams but really what my body was screaming out for was rest, a walk or yoga or Pilates. I was stressed, pretty low mentally and I always lived in what @drlibby refers to as the red zone ....
I am so passionate about helping women and particularly young women with their health because I would love if you didn’t have to go through the pain I did. I want you to wake up feeling vibrant in the morning, to have energy to do things you love, to be confident in your own skin and your self because you are incredible and you deserve to feel good. To gain an understanding of what works for you and your body because we are all different and I believe that health is not a one size fits all! I want you to have tools in your happiness toolkit and strategies to manage stress! To be excited about food and not feel deprived or guilty!
I want you to be HAPPY 🌞 and that’s why I’m here doing what I’m doing! I want to help as many people as I can feel amazing! I had some health complications last year and so did some people I love, it shouldn’t take illness for us to take our health seriously. Our health is everything and I am so grateful for my health. The thing is though, we don’t have our health unless we work at it everyday.
And that’s where I come in, if you’re craving more energy to do all the things you love, more confidence in your own skin and abilities and an understanding of your body so you can experience greater wellbeing then through my one:one health coaching I can help you do exactly that.
So if any of those slightly interest or intrigue you, I can’t wait to work with you, cheer you on and support you!
All my love and health,
C xo