New Year, New Me?


Hello beautiful people! 


I’m back for another year after a month off the blog to recharge, get re-inspired and plan! 


Happy 2018! I hope the first month of this year has been incredible! I hope you got to spend some quality time with your family and friends, went on lots of adventures, ate good food and lots of laughs were had! 


We are already at the end of January - crazy!!! Where is the time going! 


I don’t know about you, but I took January to really reflect on the year that was 2017 and really figure out what I wanted out of this year.


To say that 2017 was challenging and a year of growth would be an understatement. It was a year filled with the craziest of highs but also the lowest of lows. Some pretty epic stuff happened, nourishing nibbles was launched and I met and connected with some incredible people. The year may not have gone how I thought it was going to go but in all honesty when you have a rough year, it makes you a stronger, better person! I learnt so much about myself, about others and the type of person I want to be. 


I am beyond excited about this year! It’s going to be a different one that's for sure. It's the first year of my 20s (yay, goodbye to being a teenager), so I want to start things off with a bang! 


I’m not a huge believer in the whole new year, new me business and new years resolutions because I feel like I don’t stick to them or achieve them. With that being said though, there are a few things I would like to work on this year and strive for 


  1. A year of YES! Embracing opportunities and saying yes to things that are out of my comfort zone! All the magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone

  2. The power of POSITIVE thinking - look at the positive side of everything and be a glass half full kinda gal

  3. Focus on filling my cup up by doing things that make me happy!

  4. Kick comparisonitis out of my life - no one needs it! Just gotta love yourself and what you've got!

  5. Commit to launching something I’ve been planning/dreaming of doing for a little while now (stay tuned)

  6. Really investing my time into friendships and people that are supportive, loving and want the best for me. Not spend as much time and energy on those friendships that aren't.

  7. Being okay with not knowing - I am taking the first 6 months off this year and I’m not really sure what I’m doing, which scares me a lot! I've always been a planner and had things "sorted out", so the unknown for me is pretty new!


I am so excited for this year and what it may bring! I've got a good feeling about 2018! 

What are you looking forward to this year and what are you striving for? 


I would love to hear from you 


Love and Health, 

Charlie xo 



What my TEENAGE years taught me

