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the (whole)istic effect

the 2 month 1:1 journey for the ambitious modern women - yearning for more, wanting to pivot, and to feel more aligned and connected to self.

uncover your limiting beliefs, who you are under the programming and start creating your dream life by design.

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(whole)istic business

the 3 month 1:1 experience for female coaches + service providers who want to create sustainable and successful businesses without the burnout.

it's time to take a (whole)istic approach and inject fun, playfulness and flow into your life and business!


return to wholeness.

the 6 week self-led and self-paced program - an invitation to journey back home to the truest you and ultimate ‘wholeness’

currently open for enrolment

additional ways to work together

  • collaborations - send me an email, or fill in my contact form to see if we are a good for eachother

  • the wellness co - you find the official website here

  • empowered collective - you can find the official website here