It's Already AUGUST ...

Oh my goodness where is the year going. 

If you weren’t already aware we are now in August, it came as a shock to me too! This means we are just over half way through 2017 .. 5 more months to go! Oh the things that can be achieved in 5 months .. Wooohooo!! 

The year so far has been pretty crazy! Not sure about you guys, but for me, one of the most challenging years, yet in other senses the most rewarding and exciting. The month of July has definitely been one of my favourites. It had it's challenges as they all do! But it was really a month of self care and learning about myself. 

I wasn’t really feeling myself over June, the stress of exams and life definitely got the better of me. So, hello massive learning opportunity! When I got home, reflecting back over that time was eye opening to say the least. It’s pretty crazy what you do when your mind is going 1000 miles an hour. I realised that I wasn’t really helping myself, or practicing what I preach. All the things that help me with stress or help to destress me I cut out of my life, realistically that wasn’t going to go very well was it Charlie. 

Moving on from June though, we had July, and what a month it was. 

I thought today I’d share some

of my JULY loves:


OMG words cannot even describe!! One of the best family holidays ever and a surprise that will go down in history. Dad and I kept the secret from Mum and my siblings for a year that I was joining them in Fiji! (Note: you can never keep anything from Mum, she always finds out, ALWAYS - so this was a very solid effort) The reactions were priceless! It was such a special time and it was an amazing week to recharge my batteries. 

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Being at home with my fam

For those that don’t know me. I am a massive family person. I just love my family to bits, I am always excited to go home and am always upset to leave ( I cry like everytime at the airport ). I have a brother and two sisters, so family life is very full and there’s always something going on. But I love just hanging out, hearing about a day at school, watching sports game and sitting around the dinner table. It’s just so special to all be together. While I was at home, my little cousins from Fiji also came to visit, it was Ollie and Annie’s birthday and Dad’s birthday - so cool to be at home for all that as well! 


Filling my cup up again

I did things for myself in July. I was my top priority. I spoke to my superstar Ange, and I made plans and started putting them into play. I allowed myself to relax and recharge. Like really recharge! If I’m honest i had forgotten what it was like to just BE. Sit by the pool and read a book. Switch off. Boy oh boy did I need a recharge. Going on holiday could not have come at a better time. 

Guys, just a message from me, it is not selfish to put your health and happiness first! Seriously take some time for yourself as often as you can to just fill your cup up! 

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Nourishing Nibbles

One of the most exciting parts of July - having the opportunity to collaborate with @husseyandlaredo , and launching "Nourishing Nibbles”.  While the 1st day of sales was the 1st of August - the planning and test kitchen all started in July. I am so looking forward to seeing where it goes and I just want to thank those that have already bought bliss balls and also for the incredible support! I have received such lovely messages and I am so stoked people are enjoying them! 

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Ziggy Alberts

If you haven’t listened to Ziggy Alberts, please do yourself a favour and search him up!! I am just a little obsessed! My favourite one that are currently on repeat are: Simple things, Runaway and Gone (The Pocahontas song). You cant really go wrong though 

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Udon Noodles

Had them in Fiji for the first time, or atleasst first time in a while that I could remember. Clearly been living under a rock. Kinda really love them now, I have been adding them to stirfrys and they are delish! 


PICS Smooth peanut butter

This is really really out of character for me!! I have always been a crunchy gal, through and through. But I have a new found love and appreciation for Pics smooth peanut butter!! Don’t panic though, I still have crunchy in the pantry too


Nut brothers dark chocolate

peanut butter

Clearly obsessed with peanut butter … oh my goodness this stuff is gold! Maddy and I devoured the jar in less than 2 days. It’s a must try!!! 


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Lewis Road Creamery and Pics

Ice-cream collab

I know I have a problem - this peanut butter theme is really recurring. But oh my gosh, a spoonful of this is like a party in your mouth and then you just can’t stop eating. Portion control and this stuff is not a thing 

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What did you love about July? 

I look forward to seeing what August has in store and the last 4 months of the year! I hope it's a goodie for you too! 

Love and Health, 

Charlie xo 


An open letter to my Fourteen Year Old Self


20 Things that make me HAPPY