Nineteen in Nineteen

Inspired by my friends at Lululemon, I have decided to do 19 goals for 2019!


  1. Release 4 flavours of Nourishing Nibbles and have stockists

  2. Have fun

  3. Move my body every day

  4. Go on an adventure every week

  5. Visit 2 overseas countries

  6. Random act of kindness every week

  7. Save money $$$

  8. Go glamping

  9. Attend a concert

  10. Read a book every month

  11. Take 15 minutes to journal and practice gratitude everyday

  12. Girls night once a fortnight and facetime my friends who live elsewhere

  13. Release a blog post every week

  14. Get back into youtube

  15. Dream big and work hard and hustle for my dreams

  16. Create a self love checklist and practice daily

  17. Create at least 25 new recipes

  18. Make someone laugh everyday

  19. Learn to love me for me and not let what others think affect me as much

You might want to make your own 19 in 19, I find it really good putting pen to paper and actually writing down what you want to achieve.

Love and Health,

C xo


The January Lust List


Monday Heroes: Kiehls Daily Reviving Concentrate